Giedrė Beinoriūtė

Film director

Creative work is a total stress that I cannot live without


Born on August 23, 1976.
Graduated from the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater, Film and TV department with a MA in audiovisual arts in 2001. Since 1997 directed and wrote seven fiction and documentary short films and worked as an assistant director with the established Lithuanian film makers Šarūnas Bartas (Septyni nematomi žmonės/Seven Invisible People) and Arūnas Matelis (Prieš parskrendant į žemę/Before Flying Back to The Earth). Since 2004, member of the Lithuanian Filmmakers Union. Since 2007, teaching script writing and TV directing at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater.
In 2002 G. Beinoriūtė was awarded a prize from the Lithuanian Cultural Ministry for the best professional debut in the arts. In 2005 the director was awarded a prize from the Lithuanian Filmmakers Union for the documentary Vulkanovka. Po didžijo kino. (Vulkanovka. After the Grand Cinéma). The author’s newest documentary Gyveno senelis ir bobutė (Grandpa and Grandma) earned awards at film festivals in Ukraine, Belorus, Canada, Lithuania, and was also awarded a Lithuanian Filmmakers Union Premium as the best Lithuanian documentary 2007.


2012   POKALBIAI RIMTOMIS TEMOMIS / CONVERSATIONS ON SERIUOS TOPICS (documentary, 65 min, © Monoklis) – director and scriptwriter
2012   AN EXPERT ( HD, 16min., documentary, © Monoklis, Avantis Promo, Arte France, Alegria productions) – director and scriptwriter
2011    LAIKINAI / TEMPORARILY (short fiction, dir. J.Samulionytė, 20 min, © Monoklis) – producer
2011    STEBUKLŲ LAUKAS / THE FIELD OF MAGIC (documentary, dir. M.Survila, 70 min, © Monoklis) – producer
2008   BALKONAS / THE BALCONY (fiction, 48 min, © Monoklis / Silver Crane Award for the best Lithuanian short fiction, 2008) – director and scriptwriter
2007   GYVENO SENELIS IR BOBUTĖ / GRANDPA AND GRANDMA (animated documentary, 30 min, © Monoklis / ©VG studija) – director and scriptwriter
2005   VULKANOVKA. PO DIDŽIOJO KINO / VULKANOVKA. AFTER THE GRAND CINEMA (documentary, 50 min, ©VG studija ) – director and scriptwriter
2003   EGZISTENCIJA / EXISTENCE (35mm, fiction, 23 min, ©VG studija) – director and scriptwriter
2002  TROLEIBUSŲ MIESTAS / CITY OF TROLLEYBUSSES (video, documentary, 28 min, ©VG studija) – director and scriptwriter
1999    MAMA, TĖTĖ, BROLIS, SESĖ / MOM, DAD, BROTHER, SISTER (video, fiction, 23 min.) – director and scriptwriter
1997    MANO VIENIŠOS DRAUGĖS / MY LONELY FRIENDS (video, fiction, 15 min.) – director and scriptwriter

Theater plays

2008    KLIUKLIUKAS (Radio play for children, based on a book by A.Rimaitė, Lithuanian radio) – director
2006    LOVE AT LAST SIGHT (theater play based on D.Čepauskaitė’s poetry, „Keistuolių“ theater) – writer and director
2006    ADVENTURES OF PINNOCCHIO (Radio play for children based on C. Collodi’s book, Lithuanian radio) – director.


2010   THE BALCONY – Cairo International Film festival for Children and Youth Silver prize for the Best Short Film;
2009  THE BALCONY– „Silver Crane” award for the Best Short Film, Lithuania;
2008  THE BALCONY – Lithuanian distributors award for the Best Lithuanian film;
2008  THE BALCONY’s young actress Elzbieta Degutytė named the Best Newcomer in Cinema at the „Pravda’2008″ awards;
2007  film GRANDPA AND GRANDMA awarded the Lithuanian Filmmakers Union prize „for authentic relation to reality” as the best documentary of 2007;
2007   at the International Film Festival Stupeni in Kyiv, Ukraine, the first place in the category „Human Rights” went to the film GRANDPA AND GRANDMA. In addition, the film was awarded the special prize „Language of Cinema – Language of Reciprocal Understanding”, funded by the „Mir” Television and Radio Company at the Listapad Festival in Minsk, Belorus;
2006  The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania Professional Art Debut Prize for films EXISTENCE and VULKANOVKA. AFTER THE GRAND CINEMA;
2006  the film VULKANOVKA. AFTER THE GRAND CINEMA received an Honourable mention at the International Film Festival „Curtas Vila do Conde” (Portugal) and the II Diploma at the CIS and Baltic Film Festival Kinoshock (Russia).
2005  G.Beinoriūtė received the Lithuanian Filmmakers Union prize „for revealing the cinema’s effect on the lives of people in the film VULKANOVKA. AFTER THE GRAND CINEMA
2005  the filmEXISTENCE (2004) nominated for the best European short film award „Les Lutins” (Paris, France).
2003  the film CITY OF TROLLEYBUSSES won a prize at the III International Audiovisual Festival Baku (Baku, Azerbaijan).