theater show / 50 min. / age 4 and up / based on K.Kasparavičius’ books / © Monoklis
Short description of the show
The show for citizens of 4 years and older is based on the books Silly Stories and Short Stories by a writer and painter Kęstutis Kasparavičius, who has received multiple awards in Lithuania and abroad. In 2005 the book Silly Stories was named the best children’s book of the year. The show is directed by Antanas Gluskinas, who in 2009 received the highest theatrical award – The Golden Cross – for the best theatre production for children in 2008, a play Bela, Boss and Bulli, which he made in Šiauliai Drama Theater.
The play is set in a house where things and people live in each day. But one day the things become human-like and the people thing-like. Just don’t get worried, it’s not a fancy play. Everything in it becomes clearer as soon as you start watching it and becomes really clear what’s what by the end. Sometimes even stuff like who’s fault all of this is becomes very clear.
The play contains live music and songs.
Director Antanas Gluskinas
Set designer Aistė Anaitė
Actors Aldona Vilutytė, Vaidotas Žitkus, Vytautas Leistrumas
Producer Jurga Gluskinienė
Designer Mažvydė Kokanauskienė